The Eatsdropper has two stomachs
Thanks for four straight weeks of aural gratification. Keep 'em coming, folks! Send in your overheard items to eatsdropper-at-seantimberlake-dot-com.
Older woman: "I want the pecorino that tastes most like cheese."
- Eatsdropped by Stephanie at Cowgirl Creamery
Teen girl working at the Zuckerman stand, speaking of asparagus:
"The really skinny ones have loads more flavor".
- Eatsdropped by Sam at the Ferry Plaza Farmer's Market
Host's niece: "Every time I eat lamb at Easter, I think it's really sad, because, youknow, it's lamb, but then I just really want it, because it's so good."
- Eatsdropped by Rebecca at the Easter table
Child explaining to adult: "You see, I have two stomachs. One for dinner and one for dessert."
Adult: "How many stomachs do you think cows have?"
Another adult: "Two, if they're kosher."
- Eatsropped by Shuna at Saul's Delicatessen
Dude, girlfriend hanging on his arm, facing a shelf full of Gerber jars:
"I am not eating baby food."
- Eatsdropped by yours truly at Bell Market